- Miksi Viivi istuu Lucian kruunussa? minä kysyin ihmeissäni.
- Me ajattelimme, että olisi jo Viivin aika ruveta Luciaksi, Victoria selitti.
- Mutta hän taitaa olla vieläkin liian pieni, Freija jatkoi.
Niinpä tyttöjen oli otettava varasuunnitelma käyttöön. Victoria toi tänäkin vuonna elämäämme valoa Luciana. Freija lauloi mukana, ja Viivikin piipitteli parhaansa mukaan.

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O Bella Napoli...
Just like in the past we knew to expect the daughter of our neighbors, Victoria Björnhufvud, to come with her friend Freya to sing for us on the day of St. Lucy. However, I was quite surprised when I went to see what was going on in our living room when the girls arrived.
- Why on earth Vivian is setting in the crown of St. Lucy? I asked.
- We thought that it would be her time to be clad as St. Lucy, Victoria explained.
- But she seems to be still a tad too small for the costume, Freya continued.
So the girls had to go for their plan B and we ended up enjoying Victoria's singing as St. Lucy like we did in previous years, too. Freya was singing along and Vivian was tweeting as much as she could.
2 kommenttia:
Ohohoh, kylläpäs oli söpöä :)
t. Saimi
... ja kiitoksia paljon joulukortista, tuli tänään perille.
t. Saimi
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