Kajastuksella riitti keikkoja soitettavaksi sekä perjantai-iltana että koko lauantaipäivän, joten Alberto oli melko väsynyt, kun velvollisuudet oli vihdoin illan suussa hoidettu. Niinpä oma vapun viettomme jäi hieman vaisuksi. Onneksi tippaleivät ja sima maistuivat hyviltä vähän myöhemminkin nautittuna. Ne hankittiin ajoissa Rouva Possu Ponnekkaalta.

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The May Day postponed
Alberto is sometimes playing his saxophone in Kajastus, the orchestra of the Jyväskylä Labour Association. This year he was playing also on their traditional May Day concerts. There were a good number of gigs for the ocrhestra to play on the Friday evening and Saturday and Alberto was rather tired when he finally got back home in the evening. Therefore our own May Day celebration remained rather lame. However, the funnel cakes (brought from Mrs. Possu Ponnekas) and mead were still as good as ever despite the belated hour of enjoyment.
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