Olisimme menneet myös jäälle kävelemään, mutta oi voi! Lumen painosta taipunut puu sulki tien jäälle.

No, onneksi Alberto kuitenkin kokkaili koko viikon sellaisia ruokia, ettei pari puunoksaa pääse harmittamaan. Ollessamme Venetsiassa Alberto löysi gratinoidun pastan, ja arvelenpa, että sitä saadaan nähdä pöydässämme useinkin tulevaisuudessa.

Pastan jälkeen söimme broileria punaviinikastikkeessa kasvisten kera.

Kaunis sää innoitti Alberton myös avaamaan grillikauden. Se kävi jälleen kerran kohtuullisen helposti takapihallamme.

Tarjolla oli mm. krakovanmakkaraa ja varsin tulisesti maustettua bratwurstia.

Hiihtolomaruokien huipentuma oli kuitenkin burgundinpata, jossa oli runsaasti hillosipuleita, herkkusieniä ja omituisesti reikäisiä porkkanoita.

Kokonaisuutena hiihtoloma oli oikein onnistunut. Ehdimme tehdä vaikka mitä mukavaa – lisää tällaisia lomaviikkoja, kiitos!
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Settimana bianca
The winter holiday provided excellent weather for skiing, but as we are not from northern Italy, skiing has never been much of our cup of tea. But we like to take long walks in snowy woods, following the random paths people have left in the snow. Unfortunately we were not able to step onto the ice of the nearby lake as the path was blocked by the tree bent by the weight of snow.
But honestly, that didn’t bother us too long as a quick comfort was provided by the delicious meals prepared by Alberto. The beginning of our winter holiday was celebrated with some gratinated pasta followed by the main course of chicken breast and fried vegetables with some red wine sauce.
On Friday the beautiful weather prompted Alberto to declare the barbeque season opened. The fireplace in our backyard was quickly polished for some action with Krakow sausages and hot & spicy bratwursts.
The pinnacle of the winter holiday cuisine was the boeuf à la bourguignonne that was lovingly prepared by Alberto for the past weekend. This must be my favorite stew with beef and bacon and all those tasty onions, mushrooms and carrots.
More holidays of this kind, please!
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