Ei liene mikään yllätys, että Victoria syöksyi meille katsomaan Viiviä heti, kun hänen äitinsä antoi luvan. Victoria toi Viiville vanhan tuttipullonsa.

- Äiti laittoi mukaan kaikenlaista muutakin, Victoria sanoi, mutta minusta tuttipullo on paras!
- Ja tärkein, minä lisäsin. - Kiitos kovasti.
- - -
First visitor for Vivian
Vivian has settled down nicely without any problems. She is playing happily and has taken Alberto’s rubber duck as her own.
It was hardly surprising that Victoria Björnhufvud was the first one to come to see Vivian once her mother had granted her the permission. Victoria brought her old nursing bottle as a present for Vivian.
- My mother sent other stuff as well but I think the baby bottle is the best! she said.
- And the most important one, too, I agreed and thanked her.
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