I am Olivia Orso, a bear lady from Florence, Italy. Nowadays I live in a small, cozy house in a bookshelf in Jyväskylä, Finland. Here is Alberto Orso, my husband, who's originally from Rome, La Città Eterna:

Italian and Asian food is our passion and cooking is close to our heart. We quite often present our latest culinary discoveries in this blog. Alberto is especially handy in the kitchen and he is very enthusiastic about pizzas, pastas, sushi and sausages. I myself prefer Asian dishes, fish and vegetables when it is my turn to assume the cooking responsibilities.
I am an avid reader and fantasy and horror books are my favorites. I am also keen on reading classics and the name of this blog is actually a reference to a classic Finnish novel by Volter Kilpi called "Alastalon salissa" (that translates as "In the Hall of Alastalo" in English - the name of my blog translates as "In the Hall of Olivia Orso"). We also like to travel and see places, so you can also expect some reports from the road in this blog.
From now on, I try to provide a short English summary at the end of each new entry. You are also welcomed to leave comments. By doing that in Finnish, Swedish, Italian, English or German, you can ensure being understood either by me or Alberto :-)
In Finnish / suomeksi: Yllä siis pieni tervehdys ja blogini esittely suomea vähän heikommin taitaville lukijoille. Jatkossa pyrin tarjoamaan lyhyen englanninkielisen yhteenvedon uusista postauksista, vaikka tarinointi muuten jatkuukin suomeksi.
2 kommenttia:
Finalmente capisco qualcosa :-)
Ciao, Tim!
Prego, caro amico mio - si prega di lasciare commenti anche piu tardi :-)
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